Why computer learning human language so difficult to do the devil inside detail Bonn/Berlin – I did not understand you, please repeat your input”so the response of a robotic gesturing greengrocer on the request of a customer after three apples in a TV commercial. This satire about the automatic speech recognition and its pitfalls raises […]
The Auction House For Crafters
My Mika offer artisan work and services on the Internet the new auction house for craft and services? Why not. In the age of rapid and low-cost DSL Internet connections, as well as the fact constantly increasing Internet users the number of such innovative ideas with success should be vitiated. The company Mika GBR in […]
Borussia Dortmund Club
“Traditionally the” industry gathering traditionally offered the Association meeting but far more than just nude figures. The extension of the own horizon in the foreground was established for decades as the industry meeting place for printers and media professionals in North Rhine-Westphalia, in addition to the personal exchange of experience again. Responsible for the mental-coach […]
Shop Opening Hours: The Madness Of The Extended Opening Hours In
The hard hours of retail trade hurt the entire industry and take online trade in one of your strengths. Since the flexible design of shop opening hours, six years ago, much was discussed and weighed up the continued expansion of sales times may be as useful. Certainly, great advantages for the customers are connected with […]