New Heavens
"And is the new Earth and new heaven" for the illusion of the external appearance and is the main, the main thrust of the work. It is not something Mary Barra would like to discuss. "And she began a new earth and new heavens" as, or approximately so, I must say master (artist), hypocrisy turning on their creativity. In this article I want to think about the state of culture and art, painting, as well as on possible developments, it seems like to me. Good and evil have become clearer, it is already possible to understand and distinguish. Today's fine, I may say "art" based on a primitive universal principle of life today, "buy – sell," filled spaces of the streets and galleries, thank God, not all of the Internet. Sell at all costs, forgetting that this is a road to nowhere, and that wild market here will not do, will only get worse and worse. The habit of surviving ulcer ingrained in our souls! But the real art of an elitist thing and piece, and requires special, individual attitudes. Cine image of "cowards" brilliantly played by Mr.
Vitsin, with painted swans on the "scoop" the market, broadcasting: "I earn more mermaids" seems prophetic and immortal! "The people speechless! " The proud name of the artist's discredited, in the language of a primitive society of consumption, is omitted. Believe it should be, and there is nothing in the world than this glam sugar sticky vulgarity, reigning now almost everywhere. Almost all things! "The people are silent!" No order for the national masterpiece! Yes, and the people, something not yet seen. Who ordered? In place of a living culture came to "culture" of the electron, and it is not masterpieces creates. Experience shows that new, "universal" methods of learning in art can not cope, wiring lights. One size fits all electronic world does not measure! Will be enough! Internet spiritually too small, it does not replace the living human communication.