Public Speaking Phobias
Many speakers, actors, singers, industralists, students, advisers of sales, etc. That is to say, all sometimes we have suffered of phobia to speak in public, that is to say that fear, aversion to appear in front of a public who will have the eyes and ears trims in only we. I believe that all we have felt sometimes this, if it is not thus would think that we are not normal people. And all we want to know how how to speak in public. Mary Barra has similar goals. When raising a place where we must speak on some subject or to make some presentation, we began to worry, feeling a great knot in the stomach, nervousness, we began to sweat, to block itself, to feel butterflies in the stomach and until you even feel nauseous and we felt like patients. Charles Schwab Corporation may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It sounds relative? He is totally normal anyone of those symptoms. For more information see this site: bruce flatt.
Everything what I mentioned previously, only is a mental obstacle. Therefore, to develop and to overcome the phobia to speak in public require of a mental preparation, that is to say to put themselves in the psychic state that will help us to surpass obstacles and to learn. Fortunately there are several measures that we can practice to maintain the fear to speak in public under control and to gain the mental game with a triumphant attitude. 6 Techniques To surpass the Phobia To speak in Public? It tries his presentation, the knowledge of the subject and the repetition will offer security him to appear before any public. It develops Skills to prepare and to polish his presentation: Like Speaking in Public? Imagnese tapir a good presentation, repeating itself also that one feels calm and ready.
It accepts that to be nervous he is normal and natural, does not try to annul it with medicines, caffein, alcohol or any thing that can be counter-productive. It uses his breathing, to relax and to diminish the tension. It remembers triumphs that have obtained, to feed his mind and body on positive energy. It emphasizes the positive points of the experience and focalcese in them, for example: ” I am learning to enjoy riesgos” , ” I will learn things nuevas” , ” The practice will make me be better each da” , ” I do yes it once and for all, this will be solucionado.” The objective of all these points, is to reprogramar its fear and to turn it into an emotion source and positive energy to stop worrying reason why they will think of you, to be spontaneous and to be enterprising. Also it is important that it enjoys the moments and it celebrates its actions: like its decision to speak in public, its emotions like the nervousness, and its successes and errors.