Spaniards Villagrasa
" They break with its previous life and without knowing itself manipulated they get to think that they are in the situation that wishes. One only sees its true situation when it obtains salir" , it says to Carlos Villagrasa, specialized lawyer. There are no registries public of sects, but the experts consulted by 20minutos among others indicate to the Church of the Cienciologa the condemned by swindle in France and defendant in Belgium, to Witnesses of Jehovah, to the Gnstico Movement, the New Acropolis and even to the Opus Dei. " It is the unique work where there are no workers. The profile of its followers is the one of powerful people, but I see clarsimo that secta" is one; , Villagrasa thinks.
The Satanism, in rise the Satanism, although minority, has been years being increased in Spain. The Bodies of Security of the State have been having located at least 61 sects of this type, a 35% more than for 10 years and almost the double that does 20. They would reunite more than 150,000 people, according to police sources. Sacrifices of blood, sexual corpse robbery, rites, black, vud magic, cannibalism, extortions and harassment to the followers are more frequent than it seems. Hardly there are judicial sentences against the sects in Spain. The problem: " The religious freedom prevails and there are no protocols that measure the incapacity of these personas" , it indicates lawyer Carlos Villagrasa. " The own ones affected say to the judge that is in agreement with his relacin" , it says.
The key: to demonstrate that money is collected of victim " They said to me that the family was something txico" Lara (fictitious name) contacted with a sect, without knowing it, " when it had 21 years " , it studied in the university, far from his family. A friend spoke to him of a therapy of personal growth and decided to try. There they gave confidence and they bound all problems him to its family. For them " was something; toxic and enloquecedor" than it had to get rid. " They said to me that it go to house of my parents to say to them that I already was free, I arrived at house, I took off the clothes I threw, it to the ground (), my mother did not stop of llorar" , it remembers. It finished convinced that it only wanted to be therapist of that center and even accepted to work without receiving " hanging posters, cleaning the WC ". Their parents resorted to a specialized psychologist. Although was a hard blow " everything what had believed came abajo" to me; , managed to leave there. Source of the news: 400,000 Spaniards are in more of a hundred of sects