However, for the development of a new to look at, of a new vision of world is necessary a change of paradigms, something simple and not very easy, although the excellent contributions of different scientific areas to point with respect to this necessity. The form as the espiritualidade here is understood, allows to affirm that it is inserted in all and any type of independent knowledge of the system. E, from this premise, can be concluded that the espiritualidade is of utmost importance for the Education, conductor of the specific knowledge with support in the diverse ones disciplines interlaced to the empirical knowledge. The educational system in world-wide level demands a change of paradigms, what it will only accomplish if all the involved ones in the educative process to modify its position in relation to the dualstica vision of world, therefore not if it must separate to scientific research of the search spiritual, because it is this junction that allows transformation of the individual. The espiritualidade is the way for the transformation of the being. However, the culture constitutes the habits, the norms, the beliefs, the values etc., inside of any society.
In such a way, to say in opening/change in the educational field means to understand the process of education as relations between human beings that if develop in the inteireza, in one constant movement of construction and reconstruction of itself exactly and of the history of the humanity. Being thus, the educative system would need to be intent also to the dimension of the espiritualidade. This idea, of the attention to the dimension of the espiritualidade, considers thinking of the paper of the educators. The educators need an action cycle/pedagogical reflection in the totality. This does not mean that the pertaining to school contents are to the edge of the educative process. The pertaining to school contents are part of this cycle of action/reflection in the totality, therefore they are who assist in the process of construction formation of the individual.