Employment Services

Summer farewell as they just publish the public employment services with 61.083 people to the unemployment queue, or what is the same, 9.3% more than Spaniards without work compared to the previous year. A harsh reality that mundoFranquiciaconsulting, the renowned Spanish consultant (http.//www.mundofranquicia.es), is convinced that can be transformed through the possibilities of self-employment that facilitate 823 franchises that are registered in Spain. The franchise is presented as an ideal formula for moving from unemployment to self-employment and thus move forward. Thus, under this formula the unemployed person can open a business, with a risk much less than doing so independently. Thus, the unemployed often attend the capitalisation of unemployment through single payment, emphasizes Pablo Gutierrez Porcuna, its managing partner. In this way the number of unemployed registered at the offices of the public employment services of our country would decline very significantly. As proof of this mundoFranquiciaconsulting points 222.660 persons who found work thanks to this business model in 2009 (which represents 12% of employment of trade retailer). For franchise chains, the profile of the unemployed is very interesting, since they have professional experience that will help you successfully manage your unit, all accompanied with the motivation of the new franchisee to manage his own business.

In addition the average investment of the franchise to which an unemployed person goes usually does not exceed 75,000 euros 90.000 euros. At the end of last year, the total investment disbursed for openings of establishments the 823 flags that make up the Spanish franchise system was 4.696,2 million euros, representing an average of 76.112 euros investment by opening. The sectors that more investments carried out were, in this order: hospitality catering, with 1.771,9 million euros; fashion, 311.4 million; feeding, with 230,3 million, and hairdressing/beauty/cosmetics with 224,4 million euros invested, ends Pablo Gutierrez Porcuna, founder and CEO of mundoFranquiciaconsulting. Note to journalists for more information, cover seminars, interviews or sending graphic material do not hesitate to contact our Press Office. Nuria Coronado Mirian Lopez Tel. 91 657 42 81 / 667 022 566 BlogRoll chains without publicity, the most viewed: the Direct Marketing summer 1975: El Arsenal / Journal Digital out Has More Ways to Enjoy a Vacation than Anywhere Else The Travel Trip A pochi giorni della opening delle scuole dove il Liceo Pedagogico andra? Fatti di Sicilia Tu new couple is too detailed Dolce Gusto

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