Interior Walls
If you want to be a handyman and avoid economic surprises in making reforms at home a good option would be to yourself / to you could carry them out. This means saving money and not having to go to specialized companies or what is fashionable now hire a husband for hours. Taking into account technical and climatic differences of construction in the Spanish territory Councils which I intend to contribute apply to the community of the Canary Islands in particular on the island of Tenerife. For painting interior walls, it is necessary to perform a series of repairs and reforms on them before. A good handyman should begin any repair or reform at home to protect and insulate other parts of the House that can be seen affected by dirt or spills of products and thus prevent unexpected damage. It is convenient to start by covering the floors, furniture etc. with plastic, cardboard, fabrics.
The next step is to review the State of the walls: remove the loose spatula paint, remove the cast loose the cracks and fissures etc. A handyman should be a good foresighted, therefore, must take the opportunity to check the electric installation and if necessary make changes, for example, if you want to put or move some point light or plug. For this we have to open a slash (a slot) on the wall using hammer and chisel. We placed the corrugated tube and if applicable box. To repair the slashing fill it with plaster. My advice is to use the set plaster slow giving us more margin of working time before that hardens.
Repair of cracks and fissures are made in the following manner: first we clean them and open a little to be able to fill them (approximately 3 – 4 cm on each side); if the crack is very deep, i.e. If we can introduce your fingers is suitable to fill at the block level with mortar in the proportion 1: 3, which is prepared in the following way: 1. Using a bucket mix 1 part of cement and 3 parts of fine sand. 2.Anadimos water mixing to get a plastic consistency; a simple way of knowing the appropriate point is that the mixture should not drain bucket. Then We put Ribbon anti cracks, a kind of band, which is supplied in hardware stores or DIY sites. These tapes are usually self-adhesive, adhere well to any surface. Cover it with plaster and smooth with a flat of stainless steel. If you look you like a handyman experienced, you can improve the appearance of the walls smoothing them with a few products that come already prepared from the factory. Finally, we sanded the walls and so those we have ready to paint. Good job. Use a good manual DIY original author and source of the article