10 Principles Of Bill Bernbach About Advertising

William Bernbach, he studied English literature and on leaving college, his first job was writing speeches of Grover Whalen. Then he began working in the advertising world, being its first agency Wintraub. When World War II began he had to spend two years in the military. Upon his return he accepted the post of creative director of Gray. In 1950 Ned joins Doyle and Dane and form Max Doyle, Dane Bernbach, now known as DDB Worldwide. So far, still governed by the principles of its founding principal, seek emotional and not rational advertising. The 10 Principles of Bill Bernbach Bill Bernbach escribi n not any books on how to make a good ad, the consumer influence or improve a product’s image and sales. Bill was just a advertising, creative. And I knew that the ads do not have rules or agencies, manuals. That talent development in freedom, the public expects you to tell something new, be creative and that imitation is suicide. Bill did a lot more than a book, rules or manual, left us their ideas to enhance the talent crativo, which he called “my principles.” And here they are: 1. Go to the essence of the product It expresses the essence of the product in the simplest terms of its main competitive advantage. Do it in a tangible and memorable. 2. Turn your product into the protagonist of the scene (whenever possible) Conserguir is tremendously effective and that your product is recalled, because the element of provocation is at once the item you sell your product. It’s easy to say but hard to do. 3.Art and the text must be integrated Should be designed as a single unit and should be developed as one. 4. Advertising must have vitality A exuberance that we call personality. When advertising has personality, is different and persuasive. We must strive to get that spark in all our advertising. 5. It is useless to use a trick It is almost futile to try to use an advertising gimmick. Unless this same trick to tell the story of the product. 6. Tell the truth First: That it is a great trick Second: You will go to heaven. Third: It will be a good business, because people will believe you. 7.

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