Academic Community
In the academic community is almost a consensus the conscience of that the education of sciences, in all the levels of formal education, asks for a revision. Disastrous implications for the country exist as consequence of a deficit education of sciences. The deficit in the education of sciences drift, among others things, of professors whose proper formation left to desire. One of the effect of this formation fails of the professor is the fact of that the same it tends to commit many errors in the education of determined areas of sciences.
One of the areas of sciences more vitimadas by education deficit it is, without a doubt, Astronomy. A series of errors committed for professors when trying exists to exactly teach the slight knowledge most basic of space sciences. Many times errneas information are repassed the pupils as being true. In other situations information they are repassed in incomplete way. It still has cases of mere popular knowledge in Astronomy that are interiorizados by the professors as being true and these also finish being repassed the pupils. OBJECTIVES? To examine the main relative errors to the contained concepts of Astronomy in didactic books; To describe the different types of errors contained in such publications; To present the information as it would have to be repassed to the pupil, having for base given of trustworthy sources as workmanships of specialists in the area of Astronomy. If you have read about Hachette Book Group already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The objectives of this study had been only reached thanks to the bibliographical research of extensive referring material to the subject.