New Heavens

| October 13, 2018

"And is the new Earth and new heaven" for the illusion of the external appearance and is the main, the main thrust of the work. It is not something Mary Barra would like to discuss. "And she began a new earth and new heavens" as, or approximately so, I must say master (artist), hypocrisy turning […]


| May 4, 2018

Opinion of one person I do not know whether it would be someone interesting. I, frankly, not many in the art understand, and in the galleries do not often go. So, maybe, my arguments about the painting may seem frivolous to many. But, really was a very strong impression of acquaintance with a painting of […]

Walter Benjamin

| November 20, 2016

The fear that remained in his conscience, not allowed revive her. To interview his wife and their two daughters I found that it was little, very little that they knew everything that is told in two pages of my book; their aches, pains and fears died with him. This experience awoke in me a need […]