San Juan
You already see Torrealver, if I have left vocational writer (in narrative and also in history and test) without monopolizing the formation that the intellectual life requires, what would be of so many and so many young people who yes are trained and can and deserve to receive devenires of their own history? You do not decay, he shows the reality of our ancestors aquello/as that the benefit of the new car and the floor have been born with, and cochecillo without ceiling: that one that overturns as soon as Pisa ” the root of esprrago”: with all the extras, in addition. The virtual reality of the economy has taken to us to avoid the past, and to classify to us, same, without needing grandmother, in the condition of new rich.And we catalogued ourselves of being it in barometer ribbon and well off citizens, but in the reality, we need of everything. Also I include myself: values, ethics, civic-social education, culture and money, mainly money That local history: history-test: documented, it would come to keep awake the reality of a town and his inhabitants; in clear, although he hides by necessity, and the misfortune, asthenic of a seed that is born from the sweat, the pain and the deficiencies of all type, in the own majority roots of the local society of Navas of San Juan.Consequently, good part of the youth of today, of which it monopolizes to a semi-real perception on his origin and its class, and repudia without knowing its origins, would be entered in a world so it last like real: of its historical and nondistant past.. .