Trends Innovations
Successful first software forums annual meeting on January 30-31, 2012 in Leipzig Leipzig, February, 2012: the first annual meeting of the software forums in January was a great success. Around 80 participants spent two exciting days in Leipzig, and dealt in expert discussions with provocative ideas and innovative approaches, as well as trends in software engineering. Eleven different sessions, reflecting the range of topics the software forums Leipzig, stood in the focus of this event: requirements engineering, software architecture, agile methods, software test and QA, configuration and release management, IT operations, architecture management, usability engineering, governance, risk & compliance in IT controlling, IT, security. Selected representatives of the main phases of software process and management and cross-cutting issues, which represent different philosophies sometimes in daily business, were already in the run-up to the event with pointed theses for tension among the participants. Jens Borchers, Manager, software quality assurance and the acceptance tests of the SCHUFA core applications, fine met almost is for example with his Wyatt Earp’s thesis but accuracy is final. You got to learn to be slow in a hurry.” (To be fast is good, but the accuracy makes the difference.) on Uwe Friedrichsen, CTO of agile”codecentric AG, which in turn with his thesis on all analysis, design, test, or what also always trailer: Rush with while on rates is death! Agile excellence is the key to survival’ began.
That made for a lively exchange of blows between the speakers and the audience. In addition to the participants from our partners and member companies of our eleven user groups, we were pleased to welcome representatives from regional companies. The event was supported by five exhibitors (TRICENTIS technology consulting GmbH, agentes GmbH, elego software solutions GmbH, Fraunhofer IESE and InfoAsset AG), as well as our media partner (dpunkt.verlag GmbH). We appreciate the positive feedback of from participants and connect in 2013 it. More information about the event: goto / annual meeting contact person: software forums Leipzig GmbH Street 16. 04103 Leipzig Manuela Heinze team network and event T + 49 (0) 3 41 / 124 55-63 over the software forums Leipzig: software forums of Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, build an interdisciplinary network to enable the transfer of knowledge and the professional exchange between business and science, to promote and to support. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.