History Of Furniture
The history of furniture, has its origin in the evolution and progress of mankind, but the earliest references complete enough that we refer to ancient Egypt. In this article we talk about the history of the cabinets. Today the cabinets are known worldwide and are widespread throughout Europe. In Spain, there cupboards in Coruna, in Madrid, in Seville in Barcelona, in Valencia. The Cabinet is known at least since Roman times as it appears in the paintings of Herculaneum. Although initially only serve to contain weapons, as its name indicates, was soon used to save all kinds of objects. In the middle ages, with the exception of the churches and monasteries, serving only to enclose the weapons and armor as the other objects were kept in chests or simple sideboards. But already from the beginning of the 15th century used as a closet with the same purpose as now and its doors were decorated with reliefs when previously they wore only paintings.
In the centuries XVI and XVII wore elegant wardrobes and two bodies from the century 18Th are built armarios-vitrina and bibliotecas-vitrina as worthy of Hall and cabinet furniture. Early cabinets are four doors, two above and two below, and serve to keep white clothes, used woods such as walnut and oak, plywood and carving decoration were walnut and the half-columns were usually obscured Peral. The architectural aspect and the tendency to use decorative motifs more rich, escultoricos derived from the Renaissance Italian leaves his influence throughout the century. The Kabinettschrank is a derivation of the Cabinet, furniture to which sovereigns and Lords trusted the representation of their wealth. Therefore it is very difficult to find copies in the shops of Antiquities, luckily have become museums. The homeland of the Kabinettschrank was without doubt Augsburg and its diffuser parent Philip Hainofer, Augsburg furniture were the most beautiful; they were entirely in silver, often using expensive materials were added to that precious stones and polychrome plaster figures of gilded bronze and mechanisms automatic music.