Mato Grosso Valleys
Of this position it can be taken off many theories and conclusions regarding the urbanization of Native of London and to the circulation and integration of the city ahead of the way of the waters, that already were there since the first settlings and that the relation man/nature made and made with that the man today tranfers daily these canals, these sources and valleys, stops in other ridges, other basins makes its activities. Still in the region north of the city of Native of London next to the end to the Avenue Saul Elkind it can observes of the top of interfluxo of the basin of the Lindia with the basin of the Jacutinga the passage of the rivers of felt west-east, its cuts forming the valleys and some of its tributaries, beyond the agricultural activities in its entornos. This still is an area little inhabited, however future projects of land divisions already are studied, that they will be able to change all dynamics of the valleys and the rivers. As of this point, it is possible to observe the courses of the rivers until an imaginary one of them if finding with its bigger receiver, River Tibagi, of this point the next comment is the proper River Tibagi. In Jataizinho, about 30 kilometers of Native of London, a contemplation of the river Tibagi was made, on the bridge of BR 369. Jataizinho had its initiated history while Spanish Jesutica Reduction and was extinct for the action of the bandeirantes, but the place did not feneceu completely, having diamond exploration in the River Tibagi in century XVII. In the year of 1850, the Baron of Antonina, aiming at the discovery of the Paiquer Fields and the opening of a road communicating the General Fields with Mato Grosso, ordered to open a bite in direction to the River Tibagi, in navigable point, come this way to leave in the Port of the Jata. .